Sunday, March 9, 2014


..where are you?...

The outlook of MH370 seems bleak. Nevertheless, let's not stop praying, for what else can we do in times like this but to pray to God for the safety of all the 239 passengers. Also pray for their families that they be given strength to accept any eventualities during this difficult time. May all the rescue teams, volunteers and the authorities be given positive leads soon.



  1. Hello Angie, this is the first time 26 years in Canada we hear on radio, TV every day, every hour "Malaysia". It is a real mystery how a big Jumbo jet can just disappear, what with most everyone having h/phones, someone somewhere would have seen a crash if any...
    Even Boeing people in the States scratching heads.....first time plane not found after 3 days.
    And so many countries looking for it too.

    Yes, we too praying maybe, just maybe the plane landed at a secret airfield somewhere, and not crashed.
    I've been watching our TV and CNN every night....firs time seeing so much news on Malaysia too.
    And now happy we have moved our clocks forward an hour, thus Spring almost here, next week 20th March.

    Already the temp is up, now 7'c +. First time since mid November. And snow melting too.
    But it can, it will drop back and snow again.
    Its funny, but every year just before Spring officially arrives we get one last cold blast of a winter storm, as if nature wants to say goodbye and "se you in November", ha ha.
    Have a nice day, keep a song in your heart.

  2. Hi Lee, it is as if life stood still for Malaysians and those affected by this mystery, as every minute now glued to the tv hoping for new development. It is baffling to say the least. My heart really goes out to the families and relatives of the those passengers and the crew.

    One good thing coming out of this is seeing the authorities and volunteers, search and rescue teams and other countries coming together united and helping in the search. And lay people like us can only hope and pray that this mystery will be solved soon, whatever the results may be. Everyone has to go one day.. as the saying goes, if it is time to go, it is time to go. Just that for this, the suspense is holding everyone from continuing to go on with their normal lives.

    Hey, great to hear that the snow is melting and soon that much awaited lovely season of spring will be there again. I can already hear birds chirping, bees buzzing, flowers blooming, young leaves sprouting, new grass and oh the gorgeous lilacs, cherry blossoms, daffodils everywhere .. it is like a new lease to life I imagine..simply beautiful!

    Have a great day Lee, and keep a beautiful song in your heart too.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...