Monday, August 18, 2014


What do you give to someone who has everything?  Was thinking about this for a friend's birthday and then a mutual friend texted me.  "Gie, perhaps you can make a set of those handmade accessories for her, a necklace, earrings and a bracelet. We can split the cost".   Gosh, of course!! Now why didn't I think of that before.  They would not be the most beautiful gifts but would certainly be the only  one of its kind as they are personalized and handmade especially for her.  I hope she likes them. If she doesn't wear them, then at least it could perhaps serve as some decor on her dressing table and be a topic for conversation ..LOL.

My tools have been left collecting dust in my tool box for ages now. Almost forgot how to handle them. Been side tracked by other stuff and also after doing so much of it, I kind of got a little bored. What happened to that hobby that I used to be so passionate about?  There was a time when my daughter and I, had just started discovering this hobby. We would sometimes stay up so late without realizing until the cock crows.  Each 'handiwork' would bring so much pleasure.. never mind that they weren't perfect! hahaha..  I like the tagline that I read somewhere  'if it was perfect, it wouldn't be handmade'  and looking at some pictures of my earlier work, ahemm.. some makes me cringe but there are those that are quite nice, I would buy them myself.. hahaha...ok, nuff blowing my own trumpet.

Wearing a bracelet, one of my creations for MandyNikko's Collections

Some have been bought by friends, some sold online with the help of my daughter of whose name I used as the label for our work.  She was responsible for taking photos, coding as well as marketing them and deliveries, sometimes hand delivery while I took care of the pricing and purchase of materials. She also did personalized designs, but she too stopped after her graduation and became gainfully employed.  

While this hobby didn't make us rich, it certainly gave us some joy.  Perhaps I should pick up the tools again, look again at all the pictures that a dear friend sent me a while back -  for inspirations he said.

Above:  one of the pictures a dear friend sent to me.. for inspiration.. Love  it so much.

Pics below:  MandyNikko's Collections

The set that I made for my friend for her birthday gift 
The strawberries of course have no business to be there.. 

It just happened that my daughter, Mandy
came home with some fruits for me - strawberries one of them
 and I thought I could use them for prop..

Below:  our earlier work.. most have already been sold. But remake is
possible subject to availability of materials. 

Cheers everyone...

MandyNikko's Collections are available
in Facebook or for more info, you may text or watsapp
me at 012 8313033


  1. hi sweetheart, wow wow , I cn see u have such a wndrful fantastic talent. dulu masa crystal was the in thing, I ada juga beli a few and buat a few.and now masih bnyak trsimpan dlm casing.pakai juga often. u know dear, the third from below, yang merah tu is beautiful. how to order ? tell me the price. I love it .nmpak cantik giler...

  2. Hi dearest IM, ahh thank you for the compliments. And yes I remember you pun suka accessories macam ni. If we go shopping together, entah tukang jual mesti semua senyum lebar hahaha..
    Ok, yang merah charm bracelet ala Pandora kan.. I can make for you but not sure if I have the exact beads. But I will make and show you first lah.. if pass you can give me your address...I will not publish hehehe.. hugs.

    1. Hi gorgeous IM, yess, I have that design. Let me know how to send to you. You may send me a message thru my hp 012 8313033. ..hugs :)

  3. Men talk, "I would not ask for everything, I have nowhere to keep all these."

    1. Ahh.. but then you can give them as gifts for your sweetheart .. that's an idea..hehehe..

  4. Hi Angie, you sure impress me with your these very creative handiwork. And everyone looks beautiful. If I am still on safari, I'll grab a bundle from accept Canadian $$$? Ha ha.
    It's always good see people with hobbies, and paying ones too. There was a lady we knew here, she made imitations of cakes and ice cream from candles and bars of soap, and display sell them at farmer's markets weekends. Could hear her cash register ringing nonstop too.

    Hey, why stop? Should continue...all your's and Mandy's look originals. I can't help but notice young and old women wearing these bracelets wherever I go.
    Love that cone hat of yours! Again, very original...and that's a nice bracelet you have on too.
    You know, one time I used to buy as b'day presents for current flames those bracelets with tiny bells. Love them!
    Here's looking at you, kid.
    Have a nice day and keep a song in your heart.

  5. Hi Lee, thanks for that lovely compliments. and they sure are motivation to do more, honest. hehehe.. Ahh yes, I've heard of people making tons of money from just doing something they like i.e hobbies. That for me for now is a little far fetched hahaha..

    Ahemm.. have tried continue doing and made some.. and I use pictures of other people's work as inspiration. Lee, if you like any for your
    Sweetheart, you only need to ask.. Canadians $$ no issue ..hahaha
    Thanks for dropping by and have a lovely day.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...