Saturday, August 23, 2014


But first, would like to update my last post... Gift Ideas.. and yes the birthday lady, a very dear friend likes it..phew! Thanks for liking them Jo..and wearing them too. Happy birthday once again and God bless.

Ms Joanna Datuk Kitingan is the Sabah Museum Director and also the sister of the Sabah Deputy Chief Minister. This ever youthful mama of 6 grown ups is also the Chairperson of the State Level Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan and holds high posts on several other NGOs, which makes her one of the busiest personality around. 

I remember this year alone, she has flown to Brazil, South Africa, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, Singapore and goodness knows where, some for work.  Don't even mention the number she flies within the country.. Oh Jo... you have wings on your heels!  hahaha.. But she is a lovely lady, deeply religious and a loving mother.

Anyway, would like to show some of my latest creations.. but before that, would like to give my special thanks to a beautiful blogger friend... Ms Indamarya for liking my creations. Thank you so much my beautiful friend... much obliged and I would like to dedicate to you a song by the legendary Broery Marantika "Permata Hati".   This song I used to sing in some functions a long time ago. Have also recorded it in radio way back accompanied by just the piano ..  


Cheers and have a great weekend everyone!


  1. So what can a man talk?

    He just listen.

  2. ayoyo dearest Angie, tak sempat nk ambik gambar what I am wearing now ( frm yr beautiful creation) .hari ni in Alor Star Kedah did some shopping.sebab tk ambik gambar? camera lupa charge..hndphone dh sakit pulak.but that ala pandora style bracelet is so cmfrtable to me elok2 saja.I wore it snce the post laju man handed it to me until now..he he.TQ my u dah letak gambar lain pulak..adoi buat I tk tidur malam.Like Lee said tidur susah datang.semua cantik2 la...wait let me tengok first yg mana will match my new dress he he..u tk cr friend.stay beautiful always..

    1. Hi gorgeous IM, thank you for the lovely compliments. And am so glad you like the bracelets... you know lah we ladies, we can never have enough jewelries. Yang real punya biar pakai for special occasion.. yang fashion punya can wear for daily and casual use kan.
      Stay gorgeous always dear..
      and have a wonderful day..

  3. satu lagi .that song is my favourite my dear.slalu nyanyi lagu ni tau..especially masa dodoi anak tidur.a beautiful song, nanti kita jmpa I will serenade this song for you..

    1. Looking forward to you serenading me this song. I dah tak boleh nyanyi dah..sora tak seperti duyu2 taim mude hehehe..

  4. Hi Angie, I love those bangles as gifts. Girls, women, the young, the not so young all lobe them. And I guess I had my fair share of buying them as gifts too, but went more for pearls.
    Yours and Mandy's creations are really exquisite. And they sure make beautiful gifts, all originals too. Not seen in stores, one of a kind.
    Outstanding, Angie. Both of you impress me with your creativity.
    Well, if my Max were to come out, you'll be receiving some real sparklers from me, the ones dug out of mines, shaved and cut in Amsterdam. Hand delivered, of course, either where you are, or your getting an air ticket to come collect Niagara Falls.
    Have fun,

  5. Hi Angie, this is my 3rd time trying to get my thoughts thru. Please delete that 'testing, testing'. If this gets thru.
    I did a long comment of 3 paragraphs, but got "error....".
    Anyway, here goes....
    I love your gifts.....and they one of a kind too, very original. Girls, women, the young and not so young all love bracelets.
    I am very impressed with yours and Mandy's creativity. Outstanding!
    They all look exquisite, and given a choice, have to do some head scratching! All are eye catchers! And nice boxes too, looks very classy, like from a New York store named Tiffany's.

    If my Max comes out, you'll be receiving real sparklers from me. Those dug in mines, then cut and polished into carats in Amsterdam.
    And either hand delivered to where you are, or you given an air ticket come and collect it from Niagara Falls.
    Have fun....hope this gets thru.


  6. It's really nice to see a gift guide where you're actually properly talking about the things you've picked out! :D Like the idea of tickets, it shows you're actually paying attention to what they like, haha! I'm getting both my parents

    personalized gifts



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...