What an honour it was. Met a friend at a Corporate Hari Raya luncheon the other day and after the usual greetings, he asked me if I could be one of the judges for the annual search for 'BUVAZOI TAVANTANG 2014' or 'The Dashing Young Men' popularly known as 'Mr Kaamatan 2014" (MRK2014) to be held at a hotel in KK on the 31st August 2014. I was taken aback a little but flattered as I had never judged a 'Male Contest' before though I have witnessed this annual competition a few times, maybe this the 4th time.
Judging beauty contest is of course not something new to me having been invited to several beauty contests before but a Male Hunk Contest? Gosh, what do I know about judging Men Hunk? It was an honour even to be considered of course, and after a slight hesitation and asking whether it involved having to see half naked men in their trunks and he said no. .and it was not a contest where they will show muscles or something in their skimpy trunks.....pheww.. that would have been awkward. Not that I do not appreciate 'beauty' in men but I have this tendency to giggle and not able to look at them with a straight face. That is NOT what a judge should do. Being objective, professional and be ethical is. So that being cleared, it finalised my resolute to say ok. I was told that they would ONLY be judged in their traditional costume.
Actually it wasn't much different from having to judge ladies' beauty contest. Or was it? There were 21 contestants. They were made to appear on stage in 5's and each had to introduce themselves in any Kadazan local language of their choice and do a catwalk along the walkway with their own individual pose. They were judged on Looks, Confidence/Personality, Costume and Posture/Catwalk (or something like that). They came out fully attired in their most elegant and resplendent Male Traditional Costume, each representing a district in Sabah.
Yours truly and fellow judges
Re-calculating my scores..hehe
Gosh, it was harder than I thought.. Still as usual, I couldn't keep my face straight. They did their pose, strutted their best walk, engaged each judge with their best smiles and flirty eyes and more poses. All did very well and it was obvious that they were prepared for the competition and had practiced a lot. I could hear the audience cheering, whistling, clapping. It however, didn't stop my funny bones from reacting. It wasn't funny like a funny haha ..and they actually looked quite elegant so I do not understand why it tickled my funny bones to the core. It was so difficult to keep myself in check. I had the deep urge to laugh out loud. I didn't want to appear rude and but it was compounded when I saw some of the audience laughing.
I know it was inappropriate to laugh and I felt very bad but the more I tried to control, the harder it became. I tried to look away, pinched myself, bite my inner cheek, I tried holding my breath, then hearing my fellow judges giggling, it just squeezed my laughter out even louder until I cried.. and I thought my gosh, my mascara must be running now and me looking like a panda and the thought made me laughed even more!
Oh guys, I am so very sorry for laughing.. I know it was not a laughing matter but I just couldn't help it. It however, did not affect our judgement and those top 7 finalists chosen were the best of the lot! To the guys who didn't win, it wasn't that you were not good, just that your luck was not there that night and well, there's always next year.
All in all, it was a fantastic experience and I did have fun and wouldn't mind being invited to more Man Hunk Competition, as long as no swimming trunk please.
Nigel, the winner of MRK 2014.
Esther Appolonius, a very talented lady, one of the entertainers that night. She's hot! Sabah's answer to the legendary Anita Sarawak..

Sorry, I laughed..
Esther Appolonius, a very talented lady, one of the entertainers that night. She's hot! Sabah's answer to the legendary Anita Sarawak..

Buvazoi Tavantang "The Dashing Young Men'
Sorry, I laughed..
Cheers everyone..
P/s: Pictures are courtesy of Nikko San and Nelson Michael Photography
wow, jadi judge pulak..well tak tau nk comment apa Angie, but I think I know wat u must be thinking that vry minute.If i jadi u pun sama, or maybe I would close my mouth afraid my laughter would be heart loud enough across the hall.kdg2 kita at this age payah nk trima apa yg kita tengok although it was a common sight to see kan? ? kita jadi mcm anak dara sunti yang seemed like pertama kali nampak men pulak..he he.
ReplyDeleteAnyway tahniah swtheart. it must be some evening for you kan? tapi syok jugak jadi judge mcm ni.I only pernah jadi judge prtandingan lagu2 P Ramlee di perlis dulu..tu pun nak tergelak bila dgr some men who sang immitating P Ramlee..tapi tk jadi.jadi, rasa nak gelak kuat masa tu...that was years ago..
Hi IM, tu lah, I was quite surprise with the invitation too but I guess they knew of my several experiences judging beauty contest..hehe
DeleteTapi yang tak baik I tergelak pula..ish ishh.. Anyway I had fun.
I smiled at your experience jadi judge pertandingan lagu2 P Ramlee .. Disini pun ramai yang tiru suara P Ramlee and ramai juga yang tak menjadi hehehe..
Oh, you are talented.
ReplyDeleteThank you rainfield.. I was surprise with the invitation but honoured too..hehe
DeleteHello Angie, Holy Smoke! Now thats what I call a very interesting assignment, being a judge at a men's beauty contest.
ReplyDeleteCome to think of it, where does a woman judge look at? Apart from the necessary facial, personality, stance. Legs? Body build?
And I can't help smiling read of your holding back from a loud guffaw, as I can imagine what you seeing....men sashaying on the catwalk, or dogwalk? Ha ha.
And I sure love their Kadazan costumes. Really exotic and traditional with that warriors background armament.Love their tattoos too.
Angie, from what bird does those feathers come from? Eagles? Bird of Paradise?
And the men all so fair too. Holy Smoke!
And that hot pot Esther? Now she's got what I call a malam tidur susa datang looks and figure. I judge her an 8 on my personal beauty scale.
That 2 ladies, one in red and other one in striped outfit....Wow! Looking at them makes me wish I am a bachelor, ha ha ha.
But I am more admiring the author of this posting, last pic. Love your side glance look...and your holding back the laughter.
Makes me wonder if you were to judge men in swim trunks, habis cherita! Ha ha ha.
My compliments on your photography....great shots! Very vivid colours too.
Have a nice day, and keep a song in your heart.
Hi Lee, haha.. ya it was very interesting indeed, something which I have never done before.. judging men's beauty contest but I had fun. Too bad I couldn't control my funny bones from reacting. But it went well finally and I think the winner deserved it.
ReplyDeleteIn judging in as far as I am concerned, I look at the complete package, first he must be considerably tall of course with a good posture, and nice and pleasant facial features, his smile, teeth, great skin but need not be fair. I hate arrogance haha.. so if I spot a bit of arrogance, his marks would be considerably lower. He doesn't have to be tough but he must be proportionate and well-toned and then of course how he present himself, confidence, voice projection, personality, intelligence or quality of his answers to Q & A.. And then there's the costume but that is one that does not differ much from the next guy.
But of course that is only me.. the other judges may have their own views and so those that I choose will not necessarily win. Anyway, most of those that I choose made it to top 7.. meaning my opinion from other judges were not far off.
Oh No... I will not, will never want to judge men in swim trunks hahaha... reason being I won't be able to stop laughing and we don't want that. Ladies in swimming suit is ok..
Thanks for dropping by Lee and have a nice day too.
Angieeee...semua pun ensom ensom belaka..susah mau pilih mana satu paling ensom nie...hehehehe...I can imagine tu rupa mau tahan ketawa hahahaha...
ReplyDeleteTake care kio..