Monday, June 17, 2013

To all who gave constructive comments on Unduk Ngadau, thank you. We are glad that given the short time i.e. approximately 2 1/2 months to prepare, we managed to get through with the amazing teamwork from the Organising Committee and Supporters.  To raise funds to finance the 5-day program's expenses i.e accommodation, logistic, meals, medical etc  for all the contestants from all over Sabah is no mean feat.  To all the sponsors who sponsored the prizes, thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!

For everyone's info. , we are all Volunteers and appointed on ad hoc basis.  Each has their own day job and other responsibilities and we do these willingly by sacrificing our time and sometimes money.   But we do this happily for the sake of our culture and traditions, goodwill and friendship.  We do not expect any other reward as the reward comes from your support and your constructive comments without antagonism.

To Whom It May Concern - For any  ideas of what an Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan should be - it should be forwarded to the proper channel and not just through Facebook as this will reflect back on you - i.e.  'empty tin' .  So you may make noise until you turn blue, but if it is not channeled properly, then it will remain just that.  So please do come forward and work on it. We would definitely support you. Just an idea - perhaps set up an Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan Institution.  You have great ideas so why waste it. Send your proposals and working papers to KDCA, but please do it professionally and with sincerity. 

Thank you also to all the UNK Participants. The 5-day program with us certainly was tiring - the photoshoots, rehearsals, seminars, charity visits  etc.  But we did have fun didn't we?. We hope you have made friends, life-long friends among the participants and learnt something from the experience. If given longer time, we  could have done more like what some people's grandiose proposals are - masak masakan tradisi, mongomot, mananom etc - like as if you don't have other things to do.. :).  But you were in a competition  not on holiday and time was of the essence. To have to win that coveted title "Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan" or any title for that matter, one have to work hard at it, no?

So once again, congratulations to all the winners and we welcome our brand new Unduk Ngadau Kaamatan 2013,  the beautiful Tati Immaculate Lojuki.  Welcome on board dear, enjoy your reign but be prepared for the hard work ahead as you are now officially an Ambassador for Cultural Tourism. You are also expected to do Charity work from time to time ..:).  

Cheers and God bless..

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Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...