Tuesday, July 2, 2013


After being a 'Lady of Leisure' for almost 2 years, I am back into the rat race again.  I was actually enjoying not watching the alarm clock. Did I miss work? No, not really. Well I missed the 'monthly gaji' of course, the perks, the annual bonus... hahaha...  I missed dressing up for work, I missed my desk where I would just open my drawer and drop in my handbag, I missed my friends especially, the laughters and jokes, the gossips..LOL.  ..No, I don't miss the work, the endless meetings, the endless phone calls, correspondence, the month end reports, the boss breathing behind my neck checking if I am working ...LOL.. because he is being chased by his boss, I  don't miss the clients forever chasing, where, when, where, when is my money coming out.  Working with a Financial Institution has its benefits but oh boy, it can be a tad stressful.  So, no I did not miss it.   

It was a good break from working life.. I was not idle though. There was always something to do, friends or any of my sisters inviting me for breakfast or lunch or shopping.  Then there's the association I am in... enough to keep me busy. It also accorded me time and opportunities to travel.  It accorded me time to do my hobbies stringing them beads, read a couple of books, the odd time where I got to try cook interesting recipes, planted some herbs, spent more time with my little shitzu doggy who loves me dearly hahaha...

"Oh Lord, let me be what my dog thinks I am"..lol. 
My doggy adores me..hahaha

But luck would have it, a friend texted me "Hey Angie, would you like to work for ****. They are looking for a ***. Please say yes because I think you'd be perfect for it".. huhhh, me, really? But of course, I am interested. No, I am not only interested, I am honoured!! Me of all people!!  This will be pretty exciting I thought, very different entity altogether.  A small voice within me whispered.."Are my shoulders wide enough to carry such responsibilities?"   

The next day, a Saturday,  Friday, I received a call, a sweet lady's voice.. "Hi, this is Helena, you are recommended by Fane for the post, but we would like to meet you first, say Monday? What is your convenient time?"  "Erm..yes of course!"  Wow, my convenient time? My convenient time is any time I thought to myself ..hahaha.. "10.00am would be great I said.   "Lovely, I will see you then!". 

I was thinking, Oh God, what shall I wear? ..LOL..  Come Monday, I got ready my resume, my school and tertiary certs.. a modest dress with a black jacket. I was ready.  I arrived 15 minutes early.  The place was beautiful, clean, quiet, nicely landscaped. I drove up a little hill where the office was situated.  Gosh, ample parking too.   I saw a signboard Admin Office.. I went in and the receptionist smiled and said "Angie?"  I said "yes, I am here to see Helena, but I am a little early, so I will wait." I said. 

The receptionist disappeared into an office and came out with another sweet matured lady who greeted me with a firm handshake. "Thank you for coming, please come in".  After a short formality, she brought me into another room where I was to meet the my future boss, the director. He was a young man of around late 30s or early 40s.  "I already know you"  he said smiling.  "Huhh" I said surprised.  "How, where?" I laughed nervously..hahaa.. "Oh but you were all over the papers recently." he laughed.   "Ohh that,... hahaha.. now that's embarrassing".  I said.   Yes, my team and I were in the papers for our involvement in organising the charity dinner and also the State Level Harvest Festival celebration....cehhhh... 

The formalities of interview done, they asked me if I could start immediately.   "Ermm... I am sorry but I have a booked one-week trip due next week. Can I start July, 1st?" I said obviously embarrassed at having to say no to their request.   "Oh, ok that would be great they both said."    Phew...

View from my office

... looking thru my office window, facing the east and the morning sun. 

And so... the rest is history..  Wish me luck ya..  :)

Thank you Fane for believing in me, God bless you..but most of all thank you God for giving me this opportunity.  


  1. Hi Angie, good to see you back again. Congratulation to you, wish you good luck and all the best.

    Beautiful scenery from your office, seeing all the beautiful plant.

    I like your traditional costume, very beautiful. And you sure look gorgeous. :)

    P/S I'm inviting you to my blog for my cyber birthday party, drop by when you free. Warm regards. *hugs*

    1. Hi Amelia, yaay am back. Thank you for the wishes. Yes the scenery from my office is beautiful all green clean and fresh It is away from the hustle and bustle of the city. I love it.
      Ahh, the traditional costume.. cantik kan. I like it too very modern looking with that sleeves and collar.

      Oh ya, my sweet sweet friend, Happy Birthday and God bless. Yes, I love the cyber party at your blog, so meriah and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Thanks for the invite, I felt so honoured. hugs.

  2. Hi flawless, happy kan kerja balik? the usual morning routine, no more bermalas2 sambil baca novel or sembang2 dgn jiran2.
    for me, malam before panjat katil, msti pilih baju to wear the nxt day.then kosongkan beg the previous day masuk beg lain to match the shoes..maybe some people will say eleh leceh la doing all that..but to me its a sweet routine..to feel good, to be beautifully dressed, confident about yrself..betul dak kawan? I think we share many similarities la..maybe age is catching up.tapi to look good is never out of fashion kan as long as sesuai umur.
    lepas ni you kena tengok jam balik ..oh dah pagi..then rush to the bathroom..and time paling best masa mengadap cermin, dressing up.Then di office, mine in school,the challenging tasks at work.tiba2 dah weekend balik..on and on..
    of course duit masuk tiap2 bulan,and shopping diteruskan he he.gd day to you my dearest friend.lepas ni cerita la lagi about tmpat krja baru..love to hear that.

  3. Hi gorgeous IM, yes dear, sangat2 happy. Even though I was enjoying myself not working, but mungkin dah biasa kerja ka. So when opportunity given and some more tempat tu I like, environment hijau, jauh dari kota metropolitan yang sibuk, tapi tak jauh sangat dari rumah, just about 30 mins drive.
    Ehh betul lah, we banyak persamaan hehehe.. I pun macam tu, sebelum tidur, dah pilih baju untuk esok and akan imagine apa accessories yang matching, kasut, beg dan perfume segala hahaha..But I love it, it adds more excitement to going to work kan. ya lah, as long as we pakai sopan dan elok, kemas, sesuai dengan umur..ok lah tu......Ehh, tak sedar, esok dah last day of work for the week.. cepatnya masa berlalu..
    Ok, nanti if berkesempatan, akan i cerita about tempat kerja baru I k.
    You take care, smile always and stay gorgeous..'nite nite' :)

  4. Welcome back and congratz got a nice office with the rising sun to keep you radiant every morning

  5. Hi Bananaz, thanks for the wishes.
    Indeed it is good to be back to join in the rat race once again..:). The rising sun amidst the greens to greet me every morning.. What could be more beautiful. Thanks fro dropping by.



Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...