Saturday, July 13, 2013


Was blogwalking and I noticed that my youngest sista had a recent post in her lovely blog, clicked on it and viola! a most amusing and interesting way of detailing our recent trip to Jakarta and Bandung, Indonesia. This trip  would be my 3rd visit to this lovely country, the last one in 2008.  

I couldn't stop smiling at all the pics... ahh.. I miss those moments. 

Bandung is a shopping paradise but more than that, I love and miss the moments that we sisters were together, my bestest friends in the whole world! hehehe.. 

To all my beautiful sisters, bah...kita pi mana lagi? Atur!!.. Kasi gumuk lu tu usin lah..hahaha..

Nah, go click here. Some very useful information for those first time visitors to Jakarta and Bandung, that is if you can understand Sabahan's bahasa pasar, they are not in the dictionary too...hehehe....but you need not worry, some pics are self-explanatory...... enjoyy


  1. Looking at the pictures, it is really rasa sayang.


    1. rainfield61: one of my favourite moments..yes, really rasa sayang hehe..
      have a lovely Sunday.

  2. Hi flawless, I dh tengok..syoknya bila brjalan dgn adik beradik..enjoy.
    hush best giler you all ronda rata tmpat shopping kan? agak2 berapa keping note purple, biru, merah, hijau melayang? masa beli tak ingat, bila balik baru kita check purse, tu tk kira yg cari ATM tengah2 shopping (semua ni I besa lalui he he)..
    kalau dengar dari mulut org dia akan kata"syg duit berabis tak tntu hala" kalau dgr dari mulut I, tk pa sekali sekala pamper yrself after hard months of work kan kan? yg mana u prefer..he he.
    but you know flawless, bila dah tua2 ni, I pun rasa jugak..banyaknya baju dlm almari, kasut, hndbags..membazirnya ..kan kan?

  3. Hi dear gorgeous IM, tadi I dah start reply, entah tetiba my computer buat perangai pulak ishh.. hang semacam. Anyway, iya seronok ronda2 with my sisters 'cos semua satu kepala giler2 haha. Adalah juga sometimes terlebih gurau, terlaser bahasa tapi we all dah masak ngan perangai masing2...hahaha. Ingat waktu shopping tu, adoiii kaki macam nak terlepas, penat, sakit only God knows hahaha.. tapi if terjumpa benda yang disukai, amboi bukan main hepi, lupa segala sakit hahaha. Banyak juga segala warna notes yang melayang ohh.. ada sekali cari ATM, adalah sekali cari money changer hahaha.. Sekali sekala pamper ourselves, I think tak salah kan. We work so hard, mesti lah we reward ourselves juga.. Esok bila dah tua sangat, dah tak larat jalan, adalah juga memori indah..
    My old baju dan bag memang banyak lah, almari mcm dah nak beranak ni.. hahaha.. tapi ada juga baju yang dah tak muat tapi still elok, I bagi kat charity.
    Ok, you have a lovely Sunday and Selamat berpuasa..

  4. Hi Angie, you and your sisters all look so pretty and gorgeous. It's nice to have a bunch of good sisters to go holidaying, shopping and off course enjoy the local food too. We work hard, so must enjoy too while still got the energy to walk. :)) When grow too old, our legs too weak to walk we can only sit down and dream. LOL

    Have a lovely day. Hugs to you.


    1. Hi dear Amelia, hey thanks for that lovely compliments. I do enjoy shopping with friends too but with sisters, there's no sisters act..hehehe and that's the fun part. We can totally be ourselves and no one will be judging. Yes, we should travel while we still can...One day we will grow old and 'touchwood' maybe sickly then, it would be too late..

      You have a lovely evening ya..thyanks for dropping by..
      tight hugs for you..:)

  5. Jakarta has been on our radar for sometime but couldn't determine if we really want to go there. We always have this perception that there's safety/security issues there, especially when travelling with young children. I know, I could be totally wrong.

    1. Ahh.. I don't blame you 'cos I used to share the same perception. For first time traveller esp when there are children involved, follow a tour. If no children, it is absolutely safe ..just like anywhere, there are safe and unsafe places. Don't get connect by those pedlars outside...hehe.. They will sell to you at outrageous price. Bargaining is the word. It is always disheartening when later you find out your friends had bought the same stuff at a fraction for what you paid for hahaha..
      You mustn't miss the factory outlets in Bandung. Those are almost always included in the tour. And Toko Tiga outlet is a must visit for that famed original jeans at a fraction of their prices sold elsewhere. And the food are heavenly. I could go on and on about food .... try Sunda or Padang food. No, do not eat food at the roadside. Caution: not only crowded, some or most of their streets are not as clean as ours..hehehe..

  6. Semua sista sama sama ada gaya & stylo in their pose. So shop until you drop ya!

    1. Hi Bananaz, hahaha... naughty kan.. Not malu one, as if in competition who gives out the most outrageous pose wakakaaahh.. :)

  7. Replies
    1. yessss...atur!!! :D :D. Just remember if size L in Indo is equivalent to size M here. In vietnam, L would be S here hahaha... we have a lot of overweight ppl here!! :D



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