Saturday, December 18, 2021

Farewelll Three Gee

We came home from work on Thursday and found 3G, our tomcat on its bed, not responding to our calls like it usually does. My other half said it must be ill ‘cos it didn’t seem like its usual self and true enough upon stroking its head, it was burning with fever.

3G has been ill quite a number of times and every time with medication, it gets through it. And I thought, this was one of those days. Towards the morning it got worst, every breath was a labor. Look at its glassy eyes, I knew it wouldn’t make it this time. I cried and whispered, “3G, 3G, I am sorry, please please don’t die’. It made a feeble sound. I don’t why I was apologizing but I couldn’t stand looking at 3G in pain and I felt so helpless. I tried force feeding it with water, but it wasn’t responsive.

We brought it to the vet and arrived there at 7.30am. Waiting for it to open at 8 am seemed like forever. The vet looked at it and I saw what he saw, that 3G cannot be saved. I cried, and left the room. My other half stayed and asked what caused 3G to get ill so suddenly when he was eating and active just the day before. The vet said it probably got a viral infection from its wound caused by its fight with other cats but will try his best. 

Shots of antibiotics and glucose given, we brought it home, but it never improved. We tried to make its last hours as comfortable as possible and we even discussed its burial plans. At dawn the following day, my other half got up and found that 3G has died. He asked me, to have one last look as it was still warm. I cried buckets and bid farewell. Farewell 3G, I guess your time has come but how we will miss you you walk amongst us just a while you brought joy and smile and we will always remember you. 

I still feel its presence, and every corner in the house, I expect to see it lying around. My other half has thrown everything that reminds him of 3G, his basket, his food. My son took the day off to bring 3G’s remains to kampong and gave him a proper burial by the creek near a clump of bamboos. There it rested. Farewell 3G….


3G looking like Mike Tyson after a boxing match. Note the bruised eye. 3G, my tomcat is fearless. Once he came home bedraggled and bleeding. He looked like he had been in a fight again. I promptly carried him and exclaimed in dismay! Yes this cat had been acting his natural instincts – very territorial. My son who witnessed the fight said that 3G had been very brave and fought valiantly until the rival, a stray cat ran away in defeat…lol... “You are a silly cat” I scolded him while cleaning his wound. “You think you are so strong? Now fight this!” I threatened him with the snout of the vacuum cleaner. I don’t know what’s with the vacuum cleaner, but just show it to him and he runs helter-skelter!!…lol. .


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...