Saturday, August 24, 2013


One of my favourite songs from one of my favourite singers, Dato' Sheila Majid. I haven't heard this song for a long time now.  When I watsapped my sister about our suggested songs for the Grand Finale for our 2nd Soluoi Clan Reunion this December 21st, (the 1st Soluoi Clan Reunion, 31st July 2010)  she suggested this song too and I was like gosh yes, I remember this song, very meaningful words and would be appropriate for that occasion. Here's Sheila Majid in one of her best number. Many thanks to the person who uploaded this on youtube.

I have earlier suggested the following song by Ms Diana Ross.. 

If We Hold On Together..

The 2nd song is favoured more by my cousins.  Or perhaps we could sing both..
Meanwhile, come lets enjoy the songs..

I would like to dedicate the next song to my late mom and to all her siblings who have passed on. My aunt, the Grand Matriach (my mom's eldest sister) one of Soluoi's grandaughters just passed away at age 85 about a month ago... Rest in Peace to all.. Miss them dearly, but they are probably so busy having their own reunion whereever they may be to even think of us ..Have fun ya'll, till we meet again someday, we will hold on to memories.


Friday, August 16, 2013


..a view of Mt Kinabalu from Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre one chilly morn..

To work on to look our best and feeling good is important at any age and that doesn’t change just because we have a few more grey hairs. As we grow older, we experience an increasing number of major life changes, including career changes and retirement, children leaving home, the loss of loved ones, and physical changes. How we handle and grow from these changes is the key to staying healthy and feeling good.

 Teri, one of my best buds..

 ..."in every adult, there dwells a child that lingers"  ..two years ago...

There are several tips that can be found on books or from the Net that can help maintain physical and emotional health and live life to the fullest, whatever the age.   It is important to build one’s resilience and find healthy ways to cope with challenges. This ability will help make the most of the good times and keep our perspective when times are tough.

....taken during a Staff Retreat....few days ago... 

I consider myself lucky as I am surrounded by many young people in my place of work or within the Association I am in. Yes, they keep me young and I forget my age all the time. haha... These younger friends help to reenergize and also help me  see life from a fresh perspective. 

Many things in life are beyond our control. Rather than stressing out over them, focus on the things we can control such as the way we choose to react to problems.  Granted there are days that one may feel like s***t,  wishing to just disappear into nothingness or just curl and withdraw into a corner or maybe take a few days of leave from life, but love for families, friends and faith in the Almighty always take precedence over everything else. These help me face my limitations with dignity which I sprinkle with a healthy dose of humour!

...the road to Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre, Kundasang...

These 3 ladies and I, called the walkabout mission one evening after our forum sessions, 
'in search of chocolate moist' hahahaha... yes those are cow dungs..
With crazy friends like these, how to grow old? LOL..

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Been mulling over it the last few days... to tell him.. means my boss and my other half. No, not about choosing either of them ..LOL.  How to tell them that I want a few days off.. off means that I want to travel again..yes, end of the month.  Ayoo.. how? My friends and I are making plans, yet still I am in quandary about how to take that leave off work when I am not entitled to any leave yet.  Am still on probation and now I dare take leave?  I know, I know..what kind of employee am I ?..tsk tsk..But please, reeeally wanna go..if I do not go now, the sky could fall on me *touchwood* and I may never have the opportunity again, so there..

..May 2012, on board the Interslander crossing Cook's Strait from Wellington to Picton, NZ. The 92km voyage took 3 hours and has been described as 'one of the most beautiful ferry rides in the world."
No, this was not a cruise..:)

Well, I did eventually ask my boss...please pretty please.. let me take 4 days unpaid leave?. Yes, I asked veeeery nicely..and OMG! he said far he said ok...yaayy!  Thank you, thank you!  And my other half?..hmm.. he grudgingly said yes too..after giving me the silent treatment for a couple of days...uhuhh..

Please don't hate me, 'cos God willing, will be going on a short cruise.  Fly from KK transit to KL then off to Penang. There the ship will be waiting..hello Star Cruise...all aboard and set sail to Krabi and Phuket or is it Phuket then Krabi? Then later back to Penang again and fly back to KL - KK.  

..the ship supposedly look like this..

..the Super Star Libra...

Then yesterday, horrors, as I checked my passport, expiry date was less than 6 months! Well, nothing that a visit to the Immigration cannot solve. But there goes my RM300.00 for renewal and RM12.00 for passport photo.  Oh, well that is for another 5 years....

Ok, after this I am going on a strict eat out for lunch. Will 'tapau' lunch from home.. shoes, no bag, no dress, no nothing for a looong long time..


**  To all my Muslim friends and relatives, especially to my brother and sister, my nephews, nieces and their  families, "Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Be safe and God bless."  


Oh for goodness sake, enough of that Siti Nurhaliza song already. Someone in the neighbourhood has been spinning SN's cd for the umptee...